What the schools wanted
Willow Brook Primary needed a space which would provide reliability and offer students and all other users a safe facility to use throughout the day. The school’s team requested a simple, modern space which facilitated the children in regard to cubicles, vanity units, flooring and IPS units. In terms of design, the school wanted a simplistic finish which was appropriate for all ages so a minimal colour palette which will last years to come, was ideal. The school also requested features such as push taps, vanity units and push flushes.
What our team achieved
Our team of designers and the school came together to decide on the look, function, materials and finer details of the washroom and were all on the same page! We managed to create a space which is appropriate for each user in terms of aesthetics and usage, incorporating a simple colour palette of pale green, white and silver. Within the washroom, we designed and installed toilet cubicles, vanity units and safety flooring throughout, all of which were finished with white and silver hardware for a classic vibe.
Key solutions
- Vanity unit
- Toilet cubicles
- IPS pre-plumbed systems
- Push taps and flushes
- Mirrors
- Safety flooring
- PVC classing
- Electricals and plumbing
- Painting and decorating